Recently the Church Strengthening Team hosted a working lunch meeting with evangelist Ronny Hill on how to give an effective invitation. I found it to be very helpful and encouraging! You can listen to both parts of my "less than professional" recording here and access my notes below.
Giving effective invitations
Practical benefits of an invitation to come forward
- It gives them someone to talk to
- You can make sure they understand
- You can give resources (Greg Laurie stuff, next step bible, etc)
- You can give them a bible - and show them the u-version app
- They begin meeting people and building relationships immediately
- Studies show that if a person does not know 7 people in the church after one month of being saved, they are gone!
- It solidifies their decision (in the Bible it was “public”)
- It gives others courage to follow through with Christ
- It identifies people - people see that they are a new Christian
- It excites the church!
Tools on how to give an invitation
- Be spiritually prepared - but remember we are just His tools
- Be real and genuine - lost people can tell when we are disingenuous. Look for opportunities to connect with audience by what they are wearing, what they look like, etc. and tailor your stories accordingly.
- Begin the invitation at the beginning of your sermon - and mention it all through the sermon
- Take out your religious jargon; don’t assume the lost know what you are talking about
- Speak with power and authority and expectation; get rid of the “might” and “maybe” out of your invitation
- Be specific (needs to be repeated) on the invitation; what are you asking people to do?
- Have integrity in the invitation, do what you say you are going to do
- Ronnie does no band or music during the prayer
- No one moves during prayer
- Then short prayer
- Be clear and then repeat
- Know your invitation and ending
- Be aware of your body language at the front; let your body communicate that you WANT to talk to them
- Stand at the front of an isle - as they come, pass them on to another member to clarify the decision
- Have counselors ready
- Pray and pause for them to repeat
- No minor key songs; choosing an invitation song should be an extension of your message, a song that is not a “downer” but leads them to respond (Ronnie often uses a song off of iTunes, a familiar song)
- Don’t preach too long, 30 min is good
- Parents come with your kids
Types of invitations
- Raise hand or look at you
- Fill out a card and drop it in the box
- Respond on church app
- Welcome room at the back or side for enquirers - just make sure you tell people clearly where it is
- Altar call (come to the front or back) - you MUST have counselors ready, who come forward and face the speaker to be assigned an enquirer as soon as one comes forward; don’t let the counselors clog up the isle
- Baptisms - unplanned
- If you plan to do baptism, your need to be in the pulpit after 2 songs because baptisms take an average of 1/min
- Have shirts and shorts for people to change into
- Play the invitation song throughout the baptism AND after the baptisms because only 1/2 respond immediately, the rest come more slowly, and some after
- If kids, call parents and make sure it is ok (wait for parents to get there to witness it or delay); for children, counselors need to make sure child is making an informed decision
- New members class - go over plan of salvation, need of baptism, expectations, etc.
Other resources mentioned:
Greg Laurie stuff, videos, twitter, daily devotions, one-app