Use your gifts of singing and playing an instrument. Join others in lifting up Jesus across our county.
Fellowship with others who want to serve God.
On-Your-Own and All-Choir Rehearsals
designed to fit your busy schedule!
Interested? Read more below!
Upcoming Rehearsal Information:
Field Street Baptist Church Choir Room
Cleburne Tx, 201 N Field Street
Cleburne Tx 76033
1. Rehearsal Dates: 9-21 and 10-5
2. Rehearsal time for both: 9:00am -11:00am
3. Instrumentalist - please bring a music stand
4. If anyone has a keyboard to do string reduction parts, please let me know.
There are two pianos in the choir room.
Song list we will be doing for the first season:
(All songs are SATB and have Orchestrations)
1. Who can satisfy my soul
2. It is well with my soul- need a man's lead voice
3. Goodness of God
4. Jerusalem
5. I Speak Jesus
6.The Blood will never lose its power
7.Thou oh Lord
8. Hymn of Heaven
9. We Believe
10. Is he Worthy
Our first event will be at the Annual Meeting of Southwest Metroplex Baptist Association, hosted by First Baptist Burleson on October 20, 2024, 6PM (Dinner served at 5PM). We will perform at least one song.
This event is to introduce the group to the Association. Moving forward from our first service, the plan is to learn ten songs that will encompass both old and new worship styles. A Retreat is being planned sometime between this Fall and January 2025. The retreat is tentatively set for a Friday evening and Saturday morning. At the retreat we will learn the remaining eight (8) songs, provide fellowship and team building, as well as prepare our hearts for our Celebration Services. The retreat date and location will be forthcoming.
All Celebration Services will be during the Fall and Spring and will be either on a Friday or Saturday evening, with no more than 6 to 8 services per calendar year. On the day of each service we will have a group rehearsal prior to the service. Attire for each service will be black. There is no need to purchase anything fancy and there is no need for a tux or a formal for these events.
Management of the music will be maintained through a program called "Planning Center." This will be used for posting music for download, audio files, and agendas. Many of you may already be familiar with this program, but it should not be difficult for those new to the program to navigate their way. There is an App that can be downloaded for on-the-go use. The first three songs have been loaded into the Planning Center. Each song will have the Anthem, Orchestration (includes lead sheets, string reductions, and all instrument parts, and an MP3 of the song to with. (Please note: the mp3 cannot be downloaded, only played).
Once signed up, you will be provided access to the Planning Center. This will enable you to print your music and start learning it.
Please make yourself a folder for your music and bring it with you when we rehearse, as well as for our events.
I look forward to meeting each of you and working together toward a wonderful time of worship and celebration together. Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.
Loyce G. Milam
President and Director
Copyright © 2025 Southwest Metroplex Baptist Association - All Rights Reserved.